Apple Store and its Nuances

It’s hard to believe certain issues in Apple Store, particularly on the process of publishing apps. And the more I use Apple as a platform, I seem to find a lot of blackholes (places where you have no way ahead) and yet it is considered one of the best for UX. Wonder why!

So the latest in the bunch of unexpected behaviours was this,

Error: The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit.

There was absolutely nothing wring with the address. And the solution I found was here in the developer forums.

When I read the solutions first, I thought it was a prank of some kind and that everybody had just gone along to fool more people. But it turns out that the solution actually works.

The solution if you can believe it was to click the “Add” button 3 times, without changing anything. That’s right! You don’t change anything, in the form, just click the button, it shows an error? click it again. It shows the same error again, so you click the button again, and it shows the same error again, and you click again, until it eventually submits without an error.

How stupid can this be?

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